Security in Network and Systems

Captura de pantalla 2016-07-26 a las 12.30.33Malware is defined as any computer software explicitly designed to damage computers or networks. Their major motivation has evolved to malicious economic considerations. The anti-malware software or intrusion prevention systems are highly dependent on a signature database. A signature is a sequence of bits that is present within malicious executables and in the files already infected. Another features that can be used to face obfuscated and previously unseen malware are techniques based on dynamically extracted characteristics. Dynamic analysis executes the inspected specimen in a controlled environment called ‘sandbox’. The main advantages of static techniques are that they are safer because they do not execute malware, they are able to analyse all the execution paths of the executable, and the analysis and detection is usually fast.


    • Malware detection based on machine learning and semi-supervised learning
    • Intrusion Detection System for IoT and/or IIoT / MEC infraestructure
    • Forensics 

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Jose Luis Martinez, PhD
Full Professor
Phone number: +34 967 599 200 – Ext. 2294
Email: iD icon dblp.icon.18x18
Javier Carrillo Mondejar
Professor Ayudante Doctor at University of Zaragoza
Email: iD icon dblp.icon.18x18
José Roldán Gómez
Substitute Professor at University of Oviedo
Email: iD icon dblp.icon.18x18
234806 Juan Manuel Castelo Gómez
Professor Ayudante Doctor at University Polytechnic of Madrid
 iD icon dblp.icon.18x18
Sergio Ruiz Villafranca
PhD student
Email: iD icon dblp.icon.18x18
  Luis Miguel García Sáez
PhD student