Lyrics of Werable Song :)

Dear friends, you will see the lyrics of Werable Song below. So we can sing it together! And you will see what a perfect year it will be! We wish you nice and sunny weather in all seasons!Fun with Wea,Ra, Ble 🙂

My name is Ble
I played a game
Where all four seasons
Come in turn again (and) again

Winter, summer, autumn, spring
This funny game we play and sing

My name is Wea
The fun starts there
With sun (and) rain (and) snow
It is easy, let me show

Winter, summer, autumn, spring
This funny game we play and sing

Ra is my name
You will meet me in the game
Jeans, umbrella, sandals, sweaters
I am ready for all weathers

Winter, summer, autumn, spring
This funny game we play and sing

(Come on) Wea, Ra and Ble
Look at us and you will see
What a perfect year it will be!