We are on the national Bulgarin news :)

We are on the national news today! Great! We are a perfect team – Spain, Croatia and Bulgaria!

Today Bugarian News Agency published information about Wearable Methodology Project and our talanted students who were awarded with certificates for achievement in pet and logo contest.

The heading says – Bulgarian students contribute to the design of innovative software, which is being developed in a Spanish University

The Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) is Bulgaria’s national news agency. It was established by a decree issued by Prince Ferdinand I in 1898. The BTA is now a major and reliable source of information to the print and electronic media, the state bodies and NGOs in Bulgaria. BTA’s operation is regulated by a Statute adopted by the 36th National Assembly on 29 June 1994.

The Agency is “an autonomous national news organization”, whose director general is elected by Parliament. The Agency’s Statute guarantees its independent editorial policy and protects it from any economic and political influence.

BTA’s operation is financed from the sale of its information services and products, through advertisements, and through action allocations from the national budget.

BTA is a member of the European Alliance of News Agencies, whose statute stipulates that only one news agency per country is admitted. It is also a founder member of the Association of Balkan News Agencies. BTA exchanges
